Puente Theatre is dedicated to cele-brating our country’s cultural diversity through theatrical experience. Since its founding in 1988, Puente has created, produced, translated, toured, and presented professional theatre from the perspective of people outside of the mainstream, bringing people together across boundaries, and exploring what it means to forge a future for our planet made out of billions of different and utterly unique identities.
Puente Theatre's mandate is to use theatrical experience as a bridge be-tween cultures.
Our objective is to express the immigrant experience while striving for the highest artistic standards. We endeavour to foster respect for the cultural heritage that immigrants bring to our new homeland, and to facilitate the integration of newcomer artists into the local theatre en-vironment.
to offer work and creative de-velopment opportunities to immi-grant artists.
to create a multi-ethnic network of immigrant artists and resources, designed to attract and engage newcomers.
to develop Canadian audiences, and educate them about aspects of the immigrant experience.
to expose Canadian audiences to works from other cultures.
to expose immigrant artists to Canadian theatre.
to build community through col-laborative projects.
to act as an information resource for other organizations and agen-cies regarding theatrical works from other cultures.
to use theatre to explore social issues including, but not limited to, those relating to race and culture.
the creation, production, and performance of theatrical works, which explore and relate the experiences of immigrants to Ca-nada.
the production and performance of theatrical works from other cultures.
the translation of theatrical works from other cultures.
the touring of locally developed projects for provincial, national, and international audiences.
the use of alternate forms of theatrical presentation, such as workshop productions, readings, and Forum performances, which facilitate dialogue on community issues.
workshops, training courses, mentorships, and other programs whose goal is to support and en-courage the participation of im-migrant artists in the Canadian theatre scene.
the invitation of theatre prac-titioner from other countries for local workshops and trainings.
active communication with theatre artists from other countries